Year 4  Learning

Here you will find a summary of the week's work and some activities to keep you busy and learning.

Remember to always try your best to be the best you can possibly be!

Week beginning 12th July


This week in school our learning will be: 

As well as a couple of punctuation recap lessons, we will be researching an English footballer from the Euros. We will look at fact files and statistics and writing our own. Eventually, we will then turn them  into Top Trump cards.                                         

A new way of teaching maths in schools             


In maths, we will be recapping what we know about compact multiplication and division using the bus stop method.

Also please remember to keep practicing the Sound Check part of TT Rockstars as many times as you can.



This week's work can be found on Purple mash.

The link for Purple Mash can be found at the bottom of this webpage.

There are  some spellings to learn and a chapter of the book to answer questions about. Also a little activity to keep you busy.

Don't forget to practise your times tables on TT Rockstars. If you go to the 'jamming' tab then you can pick your own tables to practise.



Activity 1 

The top 10 birds to look out for in your garden - Manchester Evening News                         Get some fresh air.


The Field Science Council and Primary Nature Live have made some suggestions for what to do when you are out for a walk.

Here are their suggestions:

Activity 2

Next week, the government want to reduce restrictions for Covid. It would be nice if you could create  a poster of one or two things you will remember most during the pandemic. It could be something about home life or school.

Activity 3


Using the link above, draw a picture of St Paul's cathedral during the Blitz, using paper and chalk/charcoal.

 Scavenger hunt.pdfDownload
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Image result for star jumpsPhysical EducationImage result for skipping

 Try and do at least 30 minutes exercise a day, whether it's a short walk with your parents, or running up your stairs 15 times! Joe Wicks is providing PE workouts which children can join in with as and when they please. The videos can be watched live or viewed at a later time. Please follow the link below to view these videos.

Fitness Challenge

Skipping is still a great way to exercise.

Here is a link to Dan the skipping Man for more top tips.

Keep up your activities.

There are lots of ways to keep active and healthy.

REMEMBER: a healthy body makes a healthy mind!

Skipping rope tricks:          

Wonder Woman Workout:

Batman Biceps Battle:


Year 4 spellings

 Year 4 unit 3a.docxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1
 Year 4 unit 1.docxDownload
 Year 4 unit 10a.docxDownload
 Year 4 unit 10b.docxDownload
 Year 4 unit 11.docxDownload
 Year 4 unit 12.docxDownload
 Year 4 unit 13.docxDownload
 Year 4 unit 14.docxDownload
 Year 4 unit 1a.docxDownload
 Year 4 unit 1b.docxDownload
 Year 4 unit 2.docxDownload
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