School Ethos

Bywell School Vision Statement

Bywell is an inclusive church school where the
Christian ethos encourages thoughtfulness and humanity.
We learn and grow together, aiming high and striving to be the best we can.
In our safe, friendly and happy environment, all members of the
school community are valued and respected. Our ethos is underpinned through the teachings of the Parable of The Mustard Seed.

  (Matthew 13:31-32) (Mark 4:31-32) (Luke 13:18-19)

We will achieve this by:
Ensuring that all members of the school community know their roles and responsibilities.
Governors will:
Be proactive in regularly seeking the views of the school community.
Use their knowledge and skills to assist the further development of the school.
To know the strengths and areas of development in our school by regularly monitoring the its activities.
Staff will:
Provide a safe and stimulating learning environment.
Teach a broad and balanced curriculum to meet the needs to all our pupils.
Work in partnership with parents/carers and the wider community.
Teach consistently challenging and engaging lessons that inspire the pupils.
Teach an appreciation of diversity in all its forms.
Be responsible for the well-being of all children.
Model expected behaviour and conduct at all times.
Parents will:
Take an interest in what their child is learning.
Praise their child for effort and good work.
Make every effort to ensure that their child attends school each day in term time.
Inform the school by 9.15am if your child is absent.
Give praise at home for good behaviour at school.
Work with the school to find solutions in cases of unacceptable behaviour.
Offer help and support with learning at home.
Encourage their child to read regularly.
Make sure that materials borrowed from school are returned.
Tell school about anything which might affect their child's work or behaviour.
Talk with teachers on parents' evenings.
Raise concerns directly and promptly.
Ensure school has up-to-date emergency information.