Pastoral Support

Meet the Learning Mentor Team

At Bywell, the Learning Mentors are here to support you socially and emotionally as part of your development, allowing you to feel happy, safe and ready to learn. Our whole–school approach to positive mental health allows us to identify any social and emotional difficulties early, and we endeavor to work alongside staff, families and external agencies to ensure every child's well-being needs are being met therefore, supporting children to reach their full potential.

Miss J Dent                 Mrs E Turver                 Mrs D Allen                Ms J Bancroft

As a team, we take pride in delivering a number of Intervention groups including:


1:1 Session – Specifically catered for each individual child

Mighty Amigos – Identifying their own worth as a friend.

Happy Mindset – Implementing strategies to promote confidence and self-esteem

Happy Mindset – Sports activities - promoting confidence and working together

Sensory based social speaking – Exploring and broadening speech through our senses

Fine/Gross motor skills – Specific strategies to strengthen motor skills

2,4,6,8 This Is How We Regulate – Boosting the power of mindfulness and promoting resilience.


Additionally, Miss Dent is qualified as an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) - A registered training program aimed at supporting the emotional well-being of young people.

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